St. Mary Parish is a stewardship parish. Leadership encourages us to give back to God a portion of the gifts with which he has blessed us - our time, talent, treasure and assets.
Time, Talent, Treasure & Assets The best way to lead is by example. As leaders, our responsibility is to set a positive example for others. When we put Christ at the center of our lives, that witness draws others to service and support to the Church's mission.
Stewardship in Action
Current needs of our Parish:
Liturgical Ministers: Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers - Candidates must be parishioners in good standing and will ultimately be appointed by the pastor.
Volunteers needed for Music Ministry. Contact the Parish Office.
Volunteers needed to join the ministry of greeters at weekend Masses.
Positions are open for our Pastoral Council & Finance Council.
Contact Deacon Greg Urban at 630-301-9920 or
[email protected] for more information.
What Makes a Parish a Stewardship Parish?
The parish has created a stewardship committee which promotes ongoing educational activities that instruct parish members about sharing their gifts as a faith response and as a way to meet the ministry needs of the parish and the local civic community.
The parish conducts an annual stewardship renewal of time, treasure and talent.
The parish encourages a theology of stewardship that promotes sacrificial giving.
The parish has a prepared budget and meets its ordinary expenses in a timely fashion, including support of the pastor, liturgical worship and assistance to the poor.
The parish participates in the three combined appeals (national, international and mission) at a level commensurate with its size.
The parish regularly meets its target in the Diocesan Stewardship Appeal.
The parish maintains its plant and facilities in good condition.
The parish facilities are adequate for the present and future needs of its people and its programs.
The parish works to retire any debt it has incurred and keeps up with interest payments on a timely basis.
Parish staff are paid just wages.
The parish promotes the stewardship of assets and endowment awareness among parishioners for the long term financial benefit of the parish, diocese and universal Church.